The algorithm used in an stock exchange system

Original Articles in Chinese: & (>10^9) info should be managed in memory. There are many Sockets of CPU in the server, one process pinned on each processor(or core?). The expec…

Difference between Research and Innovation

OCR. from is the major difference between doing research and set up a startup? Research: money to knowledge-> burn money on knowledge Innovation: knowledge to money-> make benefit for company as soon as po…

Thinkings of Architecture Design

Thinkings of Architecture Design by Lin Shiding (An Top Architect @ Online View(in Chinese): & Transcript by fcicqPage 2 Begin with Examples: Storage Distribute…

Give us some color to see see

"Give you some color to see see" is chinglish, which means "I will teach you a lesson".Thanks to the firewall, the real competitors are not going to appear in short term in China.Without real competition, many kinds of product copycats boo…

MapR Architecture

by EMC Labs China, Xiang Dong Original Article in Chinese: Translated by fcicq ( @fcicq & id:fcicq)(fcicq: This is #20 entry for Hadoopアドベントカレンダー2011…